You would search for just the filename (not the extension and also not the dot before the extension).
After searching, you would use the "arrow down" button to show advanced filtering.
The first selection box is "file type" and there you would select the appropriate file type.
So in your example it would be J* and selecting "File Type": "Document" -> "Text" -> "PAS" - but of course the search term j* is too short, so you need at least two characters to search for in connection with a wildcard.
If you only want to find files by filename, I would recommend Everything (
This will find all your files on hard disks while typing. You can use wildcards and regular expressions. Very handy tool, I use it frequently.
Everything builds only a very small index of your files on your hard disks in memory, so basically the indexing step does not take so much time.
Panofind is mainly thought for finding content within files (but of course the filename will also be checked for a match).
But of course using both tools gives you the best result for each (different) task.
Thank you Andre. It is a pity Panofind cannot do this. It seems to me not to be a large leap to be able to do this. I'll add it as a feature request.
kind regards