The amount of search results

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The amount of search results

Post by איתמר »

Hello you Andre, Dear Manager!

Important request:
You can more expand the possibility of selection of search results:
The available options are: 10. 1,00. 1,000. 1,0000
Can you also add to the options the following options:
Besides what is there now?

The benefit of adding the options - good for some situations:
1. When the screen is large, you can be comfortable if you see all the first 30-50 results in front of the eyes!
2. But if the result is high (for example, 100 search results), then it can make it difficult for the computer to showcase the results when you quickly roll the results and pass quickly out of the result. That is, the more the computer is required to jump and run a large amount of results, the more it is struggling and thinking slower. Therefore, for this reason to allow a few more situations, that everyone will adjust the amount of results to their computer.
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Re: The amount of search results

Post by andre.wiethoff »


yes having 25 and 50 a good addition to the current ones.
Even more as I plan to have an "short" result list, which do not show the excerpts of the search results.

Best regards,
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