Tabley Search - Better Search!

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Tabley Search - Better Search!

Post by איתמר »

Hello you dear Andre!

We enjoy the search software that you have built, it helps us a lot!

Precisely because she is good - I want to offer things that can make her, a search software even better and excellent!

And here I have a very good recommendation, and very again.
And the good recommendation is, to build in the search software - the possibility of predefined searches.

That is when I want to edit and make some complex search, then instead of thinking and looking and trying again and trying how I can edit and perform the search I need; So instead of all this effort, I will have a predetermined table with text -filling slots, such a table, which has options to mark the desired situations in the first place. When you have a brief explanation and option, what searphere is doing and doing?
And so I can choose the best options for the same search.
What do you think?

And again, it will make a big difference in your search software, it will promote it 10 steps forward!

I attach a picture that will illustrate and explain what I said:
חיפוש טבלאי.png
חיפוש טבלאי.png (164.76 KiB) Viewed 33 times
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Re: Tabley Search - Better Search!

Post by andre.wiethoff »


If I understand you correctly, you would like to have a search view that is something between easy search and the advanced search.
Which would be a table of (let's say 3) rows (that are OR combined) with each a single text box (which can contain several words like elephant house), which are AND combined? And additionally a distance between all words? Or would it be necessary to have different distances between the various components? In that case we would actually need 3-4 separate components.

I don't think that Panofind support any further options that is presented on that page though.

What do you mean with predefined searches, shall the search be stored? Would it be enough to have it in the last searches section?

Best regards,
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